Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Saturday August 18th

Today I hiked with the guys: Richard and Rick. We hiked Mt Tom ( 4051'), Mt Field ( 4,340') and Willey ( 4, 285').  Richard was back from his vacation to Hawaii and was eager to hike...too much sitting on the plane I suppose. It was raining when we got up that morning and humid but it dried out nicely and got brezzy and cool in the afternoon. We had summited all 3 peaks by 12 noon! The climb down however was not as quick as we might have thought. There was some very steep sections and several steep ladders that had us decending backwards. It was all going well until we got to the last section on the Kedron Flume trail. As the name would suggest...it was quite wet. There was one rock that Rick told me " no matter what...don't step on this rock.. you will fall". Did I listen? Of course not, I had to try it out for myself and ended up on my butt in a puddle of mud. Next time maybe I'll listen. We ended the day with a stop for Ice Cream...nothing better than a little rainbow sherbert at the end of a long hike! Followed by a lovely dinner out with good friends.  I would like to dedicate Mt Tom to Fred Mac Donald, Mt Field to John Keator and Mt Willey to Beth Barry

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