Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Saturday March 31st

Well my Journey has officially begun. Saturday I headed out and hiked up Polecat trail on Wildcat Mountain to summit Wildcat "D" Elevation 4050 feet. The trail is 3 miles up to the summit. It started out as an overcast day but by the time I got half way up it was clearing and sunny with no clouds by the time I reached the top. Hiking up the ski trail was an interesting trip. I definitely needed the snowshoes as it was icy in many areas. I never think of Polecat as a steep trail, but it seemed so in certain sections from the bottom looking up! There where a couple spots where it seemed a little precarious from a safety standpoint. The skiers who shared the trail with me were very considerate and friendly. There were a few areas that were barely wide enough to fit a skier through and too icy on the edge for me to safely snowshoe up, so I held my breath and walked up hugging as close to the side as possible. I stayed safe and luckily was not hit by a skier. Everyone who passed me, ( some past several times) offered cheers and words of encouragement. My friend  Kathy kept track of my progress and was a huge help bringing my ski's up the chair lift for me so I could ski down. I made it to the top in 1 hour and 20 mins. I don't think that's record breaking by any means but I was happy with the time. I thoroughly enjoyed the hike up and stopped many times to take in the view and reflect on what this journey means to me. I am dedicating this first of many hikes to Dr. Lisa Krivickas who was an inspiration and mentor to me. She embodied the meaning of the word compassion with every patient, family member and co-worker that she encountered. Many of her patients have benefited from the services provided by CCALS. I hope she would be pleased with this adventure. This coming weekend I hope to hike Moosilauke which will be 4802 feet with my friend Richard and his son. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to try to read all your posts now that I've found your blog :) What an awesome adventure Michelle :) So glad I ran into you this week :) Meghan
